Which is why I have moved to Devuan 3.0 - chose sysinit over systemd as been advised systemd is like having a barcode that anyone can read. Have managed to install all the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) packages before removing bloated Pulse Audio - if you try and remove Pulse Audio in Ubuntu it disintegrates the system - I have only recently found out that the problem lies with Gnome as they decided to integrate Pulse Audio into the DE. Sadly you won’t get rid of systemd entirely as some Software installs small amounts of systemd elements to work on OS’s with systemd. Pulse Audio as written by a musician on Devuan forums states that Pulse Audio just adds latency - no real advantage over ALSA which he uses. ALSA is also more suited to older hardware.
I now only run KDE (Plasma) and LXQt with Kwin on Devuan 3.0 - Cinnamon pulls in Pulse Audio package and rtkit - which is part of Pulse Audio - not a rootkit but as someone posted on askubuntu - the fact that it elevates hardware processes in real time could prove to be a security leak vector.
I’m also leaving FerenOS behind - it too is a cross between Linux Mint and Ubuntu - main reason is flatpak - I had to do a Timeshift restore and the amount of flatpak garbage on the system was an eye-opener. I have also learned that there are issues with Virtual Box so I am now a convert to qemu and AQEMU which is the front end. So nice not to have to Rigth Ctrl to enable removing mouse capture - I can glide my mouse from a VB to the Devuan desktop without any issue and resizing of the VM window makes life a lot more tolerable. I’ve also found out why I couldn’t get USB 3.0 to work in VB - it’s broken - USB 2.0 works fine. Thankfully I will be able to migrate my .vhd on Feren OS that is Windows 7 32-bit (only needed as their is a mail collection box that uses Outlook 365 or I wouldn’t bother) using the advice here: