Truth is, if it were not for Aravisian, I wouldn't have the great looking theme that I have now, despite the GTK difficulties surrounding OS 12.4.
My OS would look like bland Gnome Shell 3 before. And even after switching to XFCE desktop, it still look like bland XFCE if it weren't for the awesome theme he helped me install.
Your right, theming isn't just about colors, and it never has been with Aravisian. He does make his own icons, thats part of the theme package. Window borders, titlebars, all thats changed. Window background changes, you name it.
Aravisian is an artist when it comes to OS themes. Of course I support is passion to do so. And I hope that he continues to do so, as people like myself appreciate all that he does.
And regards to Aravisians website, alas, I have to admit, I totally didn't even remember that he was making one. I am not even sure if he told me or not.
One thing I can say is, I have built a website before, even using the easy way using site creation tools, and avoiding c++ programming.
I can tell you from experience, you start building your site with such excitement. Then as it progresses, it becomes a chore. By the time your done, or mostly done, you want a break from it.
Next thing you know, its now 3 years later, and you haven't done a thing since. I don't know about Aravisian, but building websites, just not my thing. lol
I respect his attempt to try though, my God do I ever respect his theming capabilities!