The Road to Zorin 16

That right there, summarizes my thoughts completely.

Have you tried

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-software

Beats me... but it is a alpha or beta build...

Well if the software store was getting adjustments and the update caused an issue with it, I would assume there is more being examined than wallpaper.

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What temps are you running at?
That may be part of it. For me, at least; on several machines, Zorin runs cooler.

I always install lm-sensors whenever I re-install Zorin.
There is fancontrol
Zorin 15 : fancontrol : Bionic (18.04) : Ubuntu

Zorin 16 : fancontrol : Focal (20.04) : Ubuntu

WOW! DUDE! I totally didn't know that there was a fan control app for Linux. I already knew about LM-Sensors, but didn't know about Fan Control.

That is totally what I am going to need after I get my new computer. Gotta curb that fan from sounding like a vacuume blower fan lol.

Yes, configured through terminal.
If you want a GUI app (I have never tested nor used this):

You may need dependencies

sudo apt-get install libkf5config-dev libkf5auth-dev libkf5package-dev libkf5declarative-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5kcmutils-dev libkf5i18n-dev libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5 libqt5gui5 libqt5qml5 extra-cmake-modules qtbase5-dev kirigami2-dev libkf5kirigami2-5 libkf5notifications-dev qml-module-org-kde-kirigami2 cmake

At 1400 RPM, your not going to hear it unless you put your ear next to the fan. If you don't hear it then either, the fan is probably not running.

Best way to confirm, is to open up your notebook computer, remove all the screws off the bottom.

You might need a pry tool, like a guitar pick to pop the clips on the bottom cover as well, be careful as you are doing this, so as not to damage the clips.

With the bottom cover off, it will expose the fan, with the computer running, the fan should be rotating.

If the fan is not rotating, see if you can get it to move by using a screwdriver to rotate the fan blade.

If the fan blade tries to move a little and then stops after your intervention, that means that the fan bearings are shot, therefor the fan is dead.

Only thing you can do with a fan in that condition, is to try and lubricant it with fan safe lubricant, but even then, its a stretch that you might be successful in reviving it.

Getting a replacement fan for your notebook shouldn't be too difficult. The cost of a new fan shouldn't be over 20 bucks I'd think, and you can always shop around for the best price.

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I wonder how many months will pass by that you continue calling Zorin OS "Alpha." You're getting used to it.

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That is gorgeous.

Its no secret that I love dark themes, especially ones involving colors of black and blue, they go well together.

That theme is absolutely beautiful, and I like it a lot. I'm honestly amazed that your going through so much customization, when you have lack of persistance in Alpha.

I tell ya what though, it demonstrated to the Zorin dev's, what the OS is already capable of, with just a little bit of tweaking.

Looks like its only going to get better. They should be releasing the BETA in a few days I think. And then full release is the end of the month I believe.

Given the amount of updates piping through, it appears ZorinGroup has been staying busy.

Hi is there any way to join you guys in the testing team?

Requesting attention of @zorink to see if poster's request may be considered.

Hi everyone! I would like to join Zorin 16 alpha testing also, if that's possible...

The public BETA should have been released by now. Strange it has not. Once it's released, everyone will be free to try. :grinning:

I could be wrong, but as I understand it; the only reason there was alpha testing was because we got out our torches and pitchforks.

The Zorin 16 OS Alpha was incomplete, rather starkly, at that... And while impressive with the insight it gave into the performance and features of Zorin OS 16, I would not suggest it be taken for granted, either.

No idea about the Beta; I suspect that when it is released, I will want to replace my current installation of Zorin OS alpha with it.

Oh wow, I didn't know you were still testing the Alpha. I figured you'd rather have full release stability with XFCE while you wait. You are dedicated buddy :wink:

There is no alpha or beta that I know of offering Zorin 16 Lite.

@WhoM3 @Altand Thanks for your interest in testing! We're currently putting the finishing touches on the Zorin OS 16 Beta, which will include many improvements and fixes compared to the Private Alpha. We're planning to release it next week, so we would recommend you to wait until then before testing Zorin OS 16.