Aside from a four year old thread that didn't deal with the notification itself, I haven't seen anything about this, but seriously, what is with these notifications? I haven't seen them on any other distro (caveat: I don't try GNOME distros as I don't like GNOME), and the uselessness is baffling. If I click the downloads button in Firefox, "Downloads" is now ready. If I run an application, that application is now ready, etc., etc. In every situation I've seen this notification, the sane thing to do is give the relevant window focus. In fact, that's what clicking the notification does. So, why does it exist, and more to the point, how can I just get "ready" applications and windows to show themselves? Is this just another one of those things the GNOME devs, in their infinite wisdom, have decided is how things should, and therefore must, be?
No idea what you talking about ? What notifications ?
ah yes, "D o w n l o a d s I s r e a d y"
Seriously though, it's just a GNOME thing you should ignore.
Maybe try finding a GNOME extension for that, I guess. Usually worked out for me.
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Yes, it is a Gnome Thing. As far as I know they worked on it for Gnome 47. But that wouldn't help now. You could set up Notifications in the Settings. Settings>Notifications. But there You don't have many Option. You can turn them on or off for all or only for individual Programs.
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Sigh. Thanks, Ponce-De-Leon.
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