Touchegg not working

I decided to configure my touchegg manually with the xml file. I followed the instructions and pasted the code from the github page

From the beginning, the only gestures that worked were the two finger scroll and four finger swipe for new workspaces.
When editing the xml, I noticed that three finger pinches were also written but they wouldn't work. I added the code for snapping windows to side, but the don't work.
I've tried restarting the pc but to no use

I remember you asked about Touche in the other thread.

Since Touche does the same thing as Touchegg, I never installed it.

I wonder if there is any particular advantage to use Touchegg instead of Touche.

Touchegg comes pre-installed on Zorin OS 16.

Yeah, I thought that manual setting would be simple enough. The instructions were quite straightforward and all I had to do was copy and paste a few lines. But now I think it's time I download the flatpak.

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Yup. That's what I did.
Easy Peasy.

Unfortunately, not for me. All I get is a blank screen.

Flatpak is up to date so no problems there

Did you happen to install Touchegg manually following the instruction in the above page?
I wonder if this might interfere with the preinstalled Touchegg comes with Zorin.

Did you also edit xml file?

Perhaps, the easiest solution is to remove and purge Touchegg and then reinstall it.

sudo apt remove --purge touchegg

sudo apt install touchegg

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Touchegg was already installed. As per the instructions, I used the terminal to create a copy of the xml in the config folder. After I opened the file I noticed that there were a few gestures preconfigured. Among them was 4 finger swipe to toggle workspaces, which worked perfectly, but other preconfigured stuff like three finger pinch in to view applications didn't work

Here is the <application block of the .conf if it helps

** Edit ** It seems that the xml code messes with display because of the <> quotes. Let me know if you need the whole file



Super_A S false end
<gesture type="PINCH" fingers="3" direction="OUT">
  <action type="SEND_KEYS">

<gesture type="SWIPE" fingers="4" direction="UP">
  <action type="CHANGE_DESKTOP">

<gesture type="SWIPE" fingers="4" direction="DOWN">
  <action type="CHANGE_DESKTOP">

<gesture type="TAP" fingers="2">
  <action type="MOUSE_CLICK">

<gesture type="TAP" fingers="3">
  <action type="MOUSE_CLICK">

<gesture type="SWIPE" fingers="3" direction="DOWN">
  <action type="SHOW_DESKTOP">

<gesture type="SWIPE" fingers="3" direction="LEFT">
  <action type="TILE_WINDOW">

<gesture type="SWIPE" fingers="3" direction="RIGHT">
  <action type="TILE_WINDOW">

I don't understand fully but if you mean which server does the Software and updates application use, it is the local one

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