Touchpad Drag Happens Without Double Clicking

Hello. I have just the normal version on Zorin OS installed on my HP ProBook. It was working great, but it seems after an update about a month or two ago, now when I try to use the touchpad to move the mouse cursor, about 10%-20% of the time it registers my finger as a double click and starts dragging stuff around or selecting text. Most of the time it's harmless, but I have had a few times where it double clicks on something and I loose work. Does anyone have any ideas as to why double clicks are being registered when I'm just placing my finger on the touchpad once?

Thank you.

Hmm ... when it comes trough an Update ... maybe the Kernel could be the Problem. You could try it with using a Version before. When You are in the GRUB Menu, choose the Option ''Advanced Options'' and there choose an older Kernel Version and then test if Your touchpad runs fine.

Another Thing: Is Your System running in Wayland or Xorg? To check that, go to Settings>About and look for a Line called ''Window Manager'' or ''Display Manager'' or similar. There look if there stands Wayland or X11. If there should stand Wayland, try it with switch to X11/Xorg.

To do that, go to the Login Screen (not the Lock Screen). Simply reboot for that. On the Login Screen click on Your Profile so that the Password Fiel appears. It has to be appeared. When it is appeared, You should see in the bottom right Corner a Gear Icon. Click on it and choose the Option ''Zorin Desktop on Xorg'' and then log in and test if Your Touchpad runs.