Hello wise people, i am a real novice in all this, just so u guys know what you are dealing with
Got an i guess important update a few hours ago while watching youtube, and said okay and pressed code - okay ( guess its important when it commands code ) When it was finished, it asked for reboot, but i was allmost done and when i was finished i just shut my pc down.
Well when i turned it on again a short time ago, all hell was loose. It takes foreeeever to boot, when it finally reaches homepage, it seems fine exept that i am stuck with 1024/768 - 60hz resolution and i cant change it, when i turn pc off it takes foreeever like booting.
I have tryed to roll back on nvidia from 550 to 535, but it wont. Restarting takes forever and dosent help
Everything is "stock" havent changed anything, and i normally dont have any big issues.
Anyone to the rescue ?
Could be the Kernel Update for Version 6.8.0-47. I had that, too. The Software Updater. Could you try to start the Software Updater again and look if it offers an Update? And could You type in the Terminal uname -r to check Your Kernel Version?
Have tryed if any other updates would come, but nope.
I am currently on my win partition, witch i only have for playing CS2, but i will reboot onto zorin a try to figure out what u mean by terminal something something
So, you have a Dual Boot System? Then you could go in the GRUB Menu and choose there the Option ''Advanced Options for Zorin'' and choose there the older Kernel. That should be 6.8.0-45 and start it to look if it runs better again.
Damn now you get serious....
I am not sure i have dual-boot, but i have win and zorin on the same disk? - but i allways have to go into Bios to change witch one to boot on.
In your BIOS should be a Menu Point for the Boot Order. Look if there is ''ubuntu''. That is for Zorin (Zorin is based on Ubuntu). And look if it is set on first Position.
Technically you have a Dual Boot System. But no GRUB Menu I guess. Okay ... start into Zorin and open a Terminal and type sudo nano /etc/default/grub and then it should look like this:
Okay, there is a 0. that is the Reason why you don't have a GRUB Menu- Set it to ... I don't know 20 or 30. That means it will appear 20/30 Seconds after that it disappears. If it is enough for You to react, take it. If not use a higher Number.
When you have added the Number, type ctrl+o to save the change, enter to confirm and ctrl+x to exit. Then back in the normal Terminal type sudo update-grub to take over the change. Please don't forget that. Otherwise it doesn't work.
i am really sorry, but i have NO idea how to change the number in "terminal" its my first time in there and i really dont get it.
Everything in there looks like - 546uih56iu6h45lj643lh5g3244vf32c12342 to me
Note: Normal default grub timeout is 10.
Setting grub to zero is false economy, as it means you have no seconds to break in and select an alternative grub menu option.