Marked solution. 1
hello. any update on this topic?
Also looking for an update on this "Discount and process" Thank You
thank you. I will take a look at that. but since I have the ultimate version, I would like to upgrade to the ultimate version, so I would like to know how to deal with the purchase of ultimate 16. if I get a small discount would be nice, if not then it's not such a big deal. but would be nice to know
Hello the problem is I think to receive the paymant for the new version when there is a upgrade point in Zorinos 15
I think it is easy to realize. in the upgrade function you make a field input for the new Serial number, that the the user [personal information removed] when he selled the upgrade.
using this youe can also make same when there comes upgrades later also like zorinos 17.
do ist as soon as possible, you get more upgrade fans, because to install the programs new it is not fine for a user. Also i am working further with 15.3 and have only installed 16 additonal in a another virtual machine for looking inside and help other customers having installed Version 16 new..
Any progress on that matter. I just bought Zorin 16 Pro coming from 15 Ultimate ... but I'm really hesitant to do a fresh install. There are so many things I have installed (not only with apt, but AppImages, snapcraft, brew and probably more I forgot) and tweaked to make it a perfect development machine, that I'm fearing the downtime (of a few days probably) and all the work necessary to make it usable again ...