Upgrade/Icon Issues

I just upgraded from Zorin 15 to 16. Everything went okay, except an issue with the icons on the screen.

Where the icon should be, there is a box with the name of the app. When I click on the box, I get lines of code.

Anybody know how to fix this? Thanks.

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If you haven't already, even though you just upgraded, I would to a

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Then assuming that all goes well, a reboot. Sometimes even just a log out and in will fix icon issues (especially in gnome) but I just prefer the slow and steady reboot.

When you say "icons on the screen" do you mean the desktop, or also under the main menu? Can you also take a screenshot of what you see when you try to launch something?

I tried that and unfortunately it did not work.

I accidentally stumbled on to a solution. If I right click on the box then click "Allow Launching" the icon appears and I can run the app.

Thanks for everyone's help.

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