URGENT - Installing ESET Endpoint Antivirus

Hi everybody!

I'm very beginner at linux, and I don't know very well how to install/uninstall applications... :sweat_smile:

I want to install the ESET Endpoint Antivirus (because the Clamtk I installed from the repository, isn´t being very reliable) - however, all my attempts of installing ESET, were unsuccessful and frustrating... :sweat_smile:

Through the use of CLI commands on the terminal, can you guys tell me the steps about how to install the ESET Endpoint Antivirus?

After all my frustrated attempts, I will be eternal grateful if you can help me!!!...

WHYYYYY!!! do you need an Antivirus in Linux :scream:

Are you running a server if not you don't need any antivirus.

For you knowledge windows virus don't affect linux

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Yeah, but I still would love to have ESET!... Due to personal choices.

Furthermore, I found some concerning viruses in my workstation, so I really would appreciate to have a reliable antivirus for extra safety!

Please, do you know how to install ESET?

You could read this and then try to install.


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I already read that at least 10 times.. I wasn't successful :sweat_smile:

Can you type me the steps of the CLI commands?

I literally lost an entire day trying to install it through that informations, and it didn't work :sob:

How did you find the virus without an AV?

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I searched the entire ESET website they never mentioned Linux they are only talking about mac, windows, and android. I found some outdated tutorials that no longer work. I think MAYBE they have abandoned the Linux Version

DO you have an ESET license key?

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ESET Dropped support for Free Home use on Linux a couple of years ago or so.
The only way to get it now is to buy it:

I do not recommend it. ESET was a favorite of mine on Windows, years and years ago. The times have changed.

Some users prefer CLAMAV combined with CLAMTK.
Others recommend Sophs.

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While dual booting and using Windows, I was a frequent user of eset myself on Windows. Found out that it was consuming to much cpu usage, so I remove it.

Have never used it on Linux and will not do this because I have not encountered any malware or virus issues on Linux. But still I would follow the same steps mentioned on that site if you want to install. It's a 32 bit version but that should not be of any problem to a x64 hierarchy.

Guess this is the same but you could try to install it.


What do you recommend for me?

The best option would be combining ClamAV with Clamtk, or just using sophos?

Just use ClamAV with ClamTK and also run occasional RKhunter scan.

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Sophos is also a pain to get install in linux. Best recommendation is clamAV with clamTK

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But is sophos more reliable than a combination of ClamAV+Clamtk?

What would be the better option in terms of reliability?

The war between Opensource and the closed source has begun.
It is your decision Clamav is open source and Sophos is closed source
And both will effectively detect virus present in Linux because there is far less viruses in linux than windows

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I stand corrected: ESET Announced End of Support, but it was projected to this year.
I admit, though, this balances out the same.

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