I have a MSI GL75 Leopard 10 SRD, I7-1074H,64GB DDR4 memory.
I have 14 external Veracrypt & 5 intrnal veracrypt Drives. The problem is when I restart the computer the 14 external drives change designation letters, so when I mount the veracrypt drives it only mounts the 5 internal drives. and I have to mount the 14 externals manualy. how to get Zorin 17.1 to save & remember all the drives
I think this can be done by editing your /etc/fstab to refer to the drive by its UUID instead of name. Using mine as an example:
UUID=E7CA-CC55 /boot/efi vfat umask=0022,fmask=0022,dmask=0022 0 1
It's referring to the partition where my EFI directory is by UUID, to ensure it ALWAYS gets that partition. You could try adding the external Veracrypt drives to /etc/fstab by their UUIDs and the mount points you want them to always have. If each drive always has the same mount point, Veracrypt SHOULD handle them in the same order, assigning the same drive letters. You can find the UUID of each by using the blkid
command. To show the matching entry from mine:
/dev/nvme1n1p1: UUID="E7CA-CC55" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="EFI System Partition" PARTUUID="1fae0137-bb58-4220-8de1-42dc92315be2"
Caveats here: I know what /etc/fstab is for, and I know where to get UUIDs. I don't know how the rest of the fstab syntax works. My recommendation to you would be to paste your own /etc/fstab here, and your output from blkid
, and that will let someone more experienced than I am pick up here with a headstart when they see it.
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