Wayland vs not wayland?

I did not mean to start a discussion on doctors, I wanted to expand on your metaphor talking about software. But here we go:
I really hope you are right. And again, it is anyways almost a 50/50 call on my end. But in the end, it comes down to who you feel safe with. And more often than not, old doctor gave me an arrogant vibe, not ready to discuss with me, kind of a "I've always done it like this, I know better" attitude. Younger doctors generally were more likely to be open to what I had to say, to listen to me, even learn from my personal case. And that gives me a feeling of security.

I know that it works. And I (for now) prefer it. It's the (potentially future) security issues. Now, I am not a software developer or IT guy at all. You can say, I have no idea what I am talking about. But it's what I read that concerns and scares me. As far as I understand, there's not much that can be done about it. But I want it to change.

Yeah. I have only ever had issues with it. I see there are advantages, but my experience has only been awful. But then, I'm running nvidia drivers, so I'm heavily biased.

I understand exactly what you mean. I have encountered that same attitude. It seems our experiences vary in frequency... But we can give the same account.
As you point out - we are on a tangent. But I think it is applicable.
We have different perspectives since we have different life experiences - and this helps expand our horizons. It is not about changing minds as much as enhancing minds.

Same. I want Wayland to work.

But wanting and having are not the same things. I want Wayland to be involved when it is actually ready. I do not want it pushed onto me, when it is unready.

The "future security concerns" are based on the argument that Xorg cannot perform sandboxing.
There are some flaws with this argument:

  • If this is a security concern, then it would be a present security concern, not a future one.
  • The premise that makes it a stated security concern would require that the system be running fully with sandboxing - that means no APT, no sudo, all Snap or Flatpak packages. In other words; this "security concern" is really just a way of trying to use fear to push Snap and Flatpak packages. Gnome and Red Hat really want GnuLinux to be more like Android - Closed Off. The problem is, this closes the users out (Which those developers also want) but the users don't. We switched to GnuLinux in order to get away from that mistreatment.
  • Lastly, the above covers why this is not really a security concern presently. GnuLinux systems using Xorg do have sudo. A window launched in X that needs root privileges will require the user to authenticate, first. You can test this yourself... Try launching BleachBit GUI or CPU-X GUI or installing a .deb package with Gdebi - they all require a password Authentication. Launching Synaptic does - and there goes your security hole all filled up and closed.

I just hope, you're right. :slight_smile:

In regards to attitude, that's the same feeling I get often from the community around certain topics. I'm also not a software developer, so I lean heavily on what others have to say in order to learn about technology, how things work, etc. Often, you see arguments like "it's time", "it's the future", "it's just better", etc; that all sounds pretty dogmatic to me, quite arrogant actually. It seems to be a recurring issue all around:


Sometimes, I think it would've been better for me if I had kept at using my computer quietly without showing any interests for what is going on under the hood :upside_down_face:


Granted, I would prefer having fractional scaling available, and I am not particularly against Wayland or software improvements and changes in general.

In this case, Wayland just messes up too many things for me. For example, I cannot access clients unattended via Teamviewer any longer, the session must be acknowledged by somebody watching the screen—which works really great for headless systems. Not. MeshCentral will not work at all via Wayland.

I also love my Guake drop-down terminal emulator, which reminds me upon every start that its keybindings cannot be used. Great.

Then there's NVIDIA. Gaming is pretty much a no-go without proper gfx support.

So, I will take the negligible security issues between my x.org server and my screen inside my device any day over the many current annoyances and limitations of Wayland.

Given the recent discussions about dropping Wayland from many distributions, I am rather concerned if Linux will stay a usable option for me. Forcing it onto users before it is truly ready is not something I am looking forward to. :slightly_frowning_face:


This often sets off warning bells for me; to suggest that the Medicine Tastes Good. The developers in some fields may want it. This doesn't mean that the users do.
It is no different from saying, "It's a ____ thing, you wouldn't understand."
"Just take it... just take it..."

This type of demeaning speech is fortunately starting to be called out for what it is (though I think it could use a less biased name).

It is far better to assume that the person listening is intelligent and capable even if they do not have the background in the topic. I think many avoid explaining things because either it takes patience and time that they lack or they themselves do not understand the answer.
Which means that "making all of these assumptions about each other" does not work well.

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I saw a newer technology is more expensive but more broken. Someone sayed hardware is ok but wrote in this days programmings app and all that new future things is like believe it something coming new and it will be working.
Well I am to old to believe new things is better, maybe for younger people they seeing some future in this things. When I was younger I can sayed the people created a world how it working. Now everywhere are machines where people are on second place without a jobb and dreams about future. Hawking sayed Technology will killed a people. The all time science wondering how it possible the earlier civilization died with high technology. When everything stop a working or will be a chaos on the world, then people back to XVI century.

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