when restarting the installation on zorin os 17.1 with dual boot with Windows 10 I do not have the dual boot screen which allows me to choose with which os to start, how to solve this problem please..
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Which edition of ZorinOS 17.1 do you have e.g. Pro, Core, Lite etc?
Can you please edit your forum profile to show that information to help us help you.
From that description, you are missing the grub menu at startup.
What do you see instead. Is it just black screen or something else?
How did you install Z17.1. Was it the "install alongside" option, or the "Something Else" manual method option?.
Thank you for your answer [zabadabadoo;
I installed Zorin OS 17.1-R1 pro, when I turn on my PC I boot directly on win 10, but if I want to boot on zorin I have to press F12 to have the choice to boot on zorin..
For the profile I searched but I can't find where to change the information, I'm getting old I think
Welcome to the Forum!
You could take a first Look into Your BIOS. Look there for something like Boot Order. Ther You should pack ''ubuntu'' on the first Place. There stand ''ubuntu'' because Zorin is based on Ubuntu; so You don't need to wonder about the Name.
Because of the Profile Entry:
Click on your Profile Picture and there on the Settings Option with the Gear Icon:
(Dont be irritated by the Languag; it is german)
After that You are on an Overview. Click there on Profile:
And on the Profile Page scroll down until You find this:
Yes, it is on the second Picture. On the first Position is the Windows Boot Manager. So, it starts directly into Windows. Set the ''ubuntu'' Entry on the first Position and try it again.
Thanks for your reply [Ponce-De-Leon]
When I select it by pressing Enter, it does not activate for me
Maybe You have to move it by using the Arrow Keys. I mean, click on it and then move it with an Arrow Key up. Or You have to look if there is i your BIOS another Menu to change that. Does in the Explanation Tesxt on the right side stand something to that?
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