Where do I manage login security options?

Hi, all. Newbie question. I've used Windows since V. 3 in 1990 but was a Unix/Linux virgin until 2 days ago, when I installed Zorin 17 Pro in a Samsung series 7 Chronos laptop (i5 processor, 8 GB RAM, ! TB HDD), that had worked very well for several years, but always struggled with Windows 10 (not just make coffee while it booted; make a whole meal).
I installed Zorin 17 2 days ago, familiarised myself a little yesterday, then upgraded to 17.1 this morning.
First impressions:

  • slower to boot than I naively expected - about 2 minutes from switch-on to psw prompt
  • I have never liked the trackpad on the Samsung, so I was delighted to find that when I plugged in its USB wireless adapter, my mouse just worked!

My question: where can I manage the option Password Required at Boot/Wakeup - Yes/No? (I have looked, but not well enough, obviously :slight_smile: )
I remember setting the options during installation, but can't find them now.
Many thanks in advance,

Hi, and welcome to the forum!

I don't know the reason, but ZorinOS has been slower to boot. However, it's been significantly faster to become responsive and usable than Windows. To me, at least. Upgrading to an SSD will make a huge different in this regard.

I believe the option you are looking for is under Settings -> Users -> Automatic Login.


Thank you! That got rid of the need to enter the password at login. I then had to go to Settings>Privacy>Screen to do the same for password-to-unlock-screen.
(at this early stage in my Unix learning curve, and with no sensitive date on the machine yet, I can't be bothered frequently entering a password. That policy will change at some point :slight_smile: )

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That's something new that I've learned myself then, thank you very much :slight_smile: