Wifi broken Please help emergency

After installing and removing proton vpn all websites say the ip or dns could not be found please help i am at a tournament and need wifi

same on firefkx and kn multiple wifi networks

Spellcehck is dusabled for zorin forum

sudo ip link delete pvpn*

[Source: [SOLVED] no access to the internet after using protonvpn - Linux Mint Forums]

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Your source i loooed at and a diff method worked:

came here to give the same solution knowing it would be a problem for many people if it happened to them.

If proton freezes and crashes it messes up the connection with pvpn-ipv6leak-protection still running even if you restart the computer.

I did pretty much the same thing to solve it.
I used this command in terminal to show the connections


nmcli connection show --active 

this was still running pvpn-ipv6leak-protection

I ran this to stop it


sudo nmcli connection delete pvpn-ipv6leak-protection

Internet immediately star

On mobile no au5ocorrect sorry

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Thanks alot!

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