Xrandr not working to change brightness

My xrandr is not working. I have to change the brightness of the system as it is very bad for my eyes.

Xrandr gives, failed to set size for gamma output default
Need crtc to set gamma on

First , when I had zorin os lite 15.3, it was working well but I had some other problems, So i installed zorin os lite 16

There was an error like initramfs-tools in the installation
But the system files were copied , So i started using the system.
Also, at first the apt was not working but configure solved it

Now the xrandr is not working, I don't know if it is installation problem or whatever it is? Please help me

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Can you please post the terminal output of

sudo lshw -c video

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Thanks, I just upgraded the system and it is working now.


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