Zorin 17 pro MP3 USB not recognized

Hey Guys,
I have an acer A317-52 laptop with 12Gb Ram. Zorin works great except that my MP3 player is not recognized. every 20 seconds or so the lapop makes the sound of a USB device being connected and immediately the sound of disconnecting. The device shows the option to connect+transfer but nothing happens when I choose it. the MP3 then goes it's menu but does not appear in zorin. Any ideas on how to resolve this?

Please remember that MP3 players were made with other OS's in mind! What is the make and model of the player?

Wonky USB's I normally suggest installing libusb-dev to help. Usually for off-brand hubs and devices; sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Worth a shot though, install in terminal with sudo apt install libusb-dev. Reboot, then test again.


Welcome to the Forum!

Does this happen on every USB Plug on your Machine?

It is a noname knock off MP3, MP4 player from China.

Thanks for the suggestion. Installed & rebooted. Zorin still does not see the device

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