Zorin os 16 core don’t boot with USB - Error: Failed To Open EFI/BOOT

I did not know such thing existed! :nerd_face:
Well, time has been changed.

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The proper sha256 should be:

Please look for the download with the r1 (revision 1) suffix.

I didn't get it :')

It looks like your downloaded file is NOT a correct/current one.
You need to download it one more time and create a new installer using Etcher.

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I see, in that case:

The repaired .iso's are currently in the Final Stages of patching and uploading to all servers for Zorin OS 16 Core.
Zorin OS Pro should work properly. Please start a thread if you have any trouble.

Please check in after about 24 hours as of 6pm GMT to download the New .iso's for Zorin OS.

It appears that the server for your area has not yet received the revised copy.
I would recommend waiting a day and then checking if the server has updated.

This same problem also happens to me when I try to install Linux Elementary OS 6 Odin

In short I have not been able to install any of these 2 versions :cry:

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I would not be surprised since the problem is due to the Ubuntu upstream (which many distro is based upon).
Just be patient for a day or two.
I am sure the fix is coming.

Be glad you are looking at Zorin Then. :smiley:

The problem is caused by an Ubuntu Bug - so it affects all of the latest Ubuntu derivatives, not exclusively Zorin OS.
Fortunately, however, Zorin and Mint are both top o' their game and the fix is already in the pipe.

I have already downloaded it several times and I use Etcher and the problem goes on and on :cry:

It is because the version you have downloaded has a bug. As I say, the fix is coming soon.

Ok Thanks. but this problem has been going on for many days. From days ago I'm dealing and I couldn't with any of the Linux distros (Zorin 16 or Elementary 6) :cry:

I don't realize how long I'll have to wait :cry:

I understand your pain. One more day is manageable for you? OR is it putting you in dire straits?

I'll wait. Thank you so much

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Btw, I suggest you to wait. This is atm best Ubuntu based distro ( and better than Elementary) xD

My opinion of Elementary is... Less... Than Stellar... LOL

I wanted to like it..But had a lot issues during installation, missing libraries, packages, driver issues etc. So that is it ..But yeah, looks beautiful also :slight_smile:

We're still waiting for the new Core iso to fully sync across to all of the mirror servers (may take up to 24 hours due to the rsync schedules) however if you urgently need access to it you can get it directly from the Ibiblio mirror here: https://distro.ibiblio.org/zorinos/16/Zorin-OS-16-Core-64-bit-r1.iso


Excellent, excellent, if it worked. Thanks a lot friend :wink: