Some Linux distro's are not setup for the lamen, like Arch for example. If you don't have a programmers brain, with lots of skill, you can just forget that OS. LOL Reality is, most folks who use Windows, don't even know how Windows works. (Keep em out of the registry! LOL) So why would ya stick em on Arch? Some Linux distro's just require way too much to get them going, with like you said, very little reward.
You are right to shill, and you can go on shilling Zorin OS my fellow shill meister. HEHE! Zorin OS is made so that people migrating to Linux from Windows, can do so, with very few if no headache's whatsoever. And there is very little that Zorin OS can't do, that other Linux distro's can, so there is no need to be hopping OS's, unless you really want to.
I've never heard of a Volla phone, but I take it that Zorin OS is on it? I wonder how many services support a Linux phone?
I love reducing E-Waste, which is why I still have my old notebook computer. It isn't any good for gaming these days, but it makes for an excellent workshop computer.
You've noticed that trend? WOW, I have noticed the complete and utter opposite, over the past decade. I've never seen a generation more glued to their phones, then GenZ. I don't know what country you reside, but in the US, all schools require confiscation of kids phones, when they enter the school building, and can only get them back, at the end of the day.
Because of terrorism of the past, those phones are also locked into magsafe bags, which requires a code to unlock them. No, there is still a very huge issue with kids on phones 24/7, and schools had to implement these policies for both security and for insuring kids get an education. Before all these new policies were put into place, kids were on their phones all the time in class.
Times have changed a lot, because when I was in school, kids didn't have cell phones, they cost too much anyways, and their was no social networking back in those days. Cell phoens were just dumb phones that could make calls, thats it. But when the future cell phones came, introduce social networking, and thats all kids want to do now days.
I've never seen a kid more glued to a phone screen, then these modern times, and its bad. So again, don't know what country of the world you hail from, but while I completely agree with you on Zorin OS, I disagree regarding kids and cell phones.
If schools didn't have these regulations in place, kids would learn absolutely nothing. And to be completely honest, I think that kids could learn more. Where I think schools in this country are doing a disservice, is not teaching kids proper computer skills.
Kids don't know how to work on and service computers. And truth is, regarding that specifically, was the same when I was in school though. In our school, we had typing classes, but learning how to type, doesn't mean you can service a computer.
But give a kid a cell phone, they know every rivet of it, from beginning to end. lol. Cell phone addiction is real. Like I said, not in my generation though, but in genZ, its wild.