Zorin/upstream update making trouble for Steam? (package conflicts)

I told myself that decades ago. While I do have my main ones I run, I've always got more on the go. I love the pain too much.

Just to chime in, I ran into the exact same issues as you - installed Steam from the .deb downloaded directly from steampowered.com and kept getting errors about the 555 version of that same library. I also ended up purging steam and steam-installer from my system and deleted the same .steam directory in ~/ as well as everything steam related in ~/.local and /usr/lib. Installed from the zorin repo and everything is now working as it should. I even updated to the 560 drivers and switched over to Wayland - no issues at all.

It was uncanny reading your posts because everything you did seemed to be the exact same thing I did :rofl:

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This issue happened to me a second time last week, after a manual driver update. This time, I opened an issue with Valve on their Github, and to my surprise, they diagnosed it and provided information on a Sunday morning!

The short version is that it's an issue with the driver package rather than Steam: for one reason or another, there's a wait on the i386 version of libnvidia-egl-wayland1. Debian (and derivatives) require the 64 bit and 32 bit versions of libraries to have the exact same version numbers, so we're in an either/or situation: we can't have both right now.

The possible workaround on our end is to find the most recent versions where both libnvidia-egl-wayland1 and libnvidia-egl-wayland1:i386 match, and make APT install both in one shot.

apt policy libnvidia-egl-wayland1 libnvidia-egl-wayland1:i386 should provide version information.
sudo apt install libnvidia-egl-wayland1=<VersionChangeMe> libnvidia-egl-wayland1:i386=<SamePackageVersion> should install both libraries at once, using the specified version, to avoid a conflict.

I haven't tested this as I'm not running Zorin at the moment, but it seems to me that it would be wise to first remove the existing libnvidia-egl-wayland1 before attempting to install replacements, and I can't guess what side effects there might be in using an older version of these libraries with current drivers. Until/unless the wait is removed in the PPA though, it seems like our options are workarounds or full manual installation from Nvidia's runfile instead of a deb.

Github issue: libnvidia-eg-wayland1:i386 dependency problems after driver update · Issue #11720 · ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux · GitHub

Relevant PPA link: i386 build of egl-wayland 1:1.1.15-0ubuntu0~gpu22.04.1 : Proprietary GPU Drivers : “Graphics Drivers” team

There's information in the Github issue that might help the PPA maintainer fix this, but I'm not particularly comfortable poking someone I don't know to say "Hey, Valve says you're doin' it wrong," even if I knew how.