Zorin Youtube Channel..?

After a recent post, had an idea.... Imagine if Zorin had it's own Youtube Channel.
Maybe a every 2 week, or once a month post. Showing recent updates, answering the most recent questions, raised issues. Just showing the public how great a system it is.
Now I personally don't have the knowledge to create, record, edit such a thing.
Or the 'Face' you'd want to see. Have a face for radio..
Maybe someone on here does? And could use the packages that one could find and use on Linux.
I know the Zorin Bro's don't have the time. I sometimes wonder if they get to eat.
I think it would be awesome.


Artyom looks like he gets plenty to eat.


-Runs and Hides-


I like the idea. If I had the time to spare, I would've been willing to create such content. But it is a good idea. I endorse it.

I got my Zorin OS live wallpaper channel, but it aren't much.

https://odysee.com/ what kind that channel more for linux users privacy?

Zorin have YouTube channel.

Yes. With 1 video from 2 years ago. Would be a great way to show interested parties more about Zorin. And why it's so darn good.. Utilize the asset. There are plenty of great reviews of Zorin on youtube, but some testimonials from some actual users could go a long way...

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