I'm updating my system and when I type the command "sudo apt update" my terminal says there are 15 packages to be upgraded and I can list them.
Then I did "sudo apt upgrade" to update all those 15 packages. But it skips those 15 packages and tells me they're "kept back".
I also tried "sudo apt full-upgrade" but that doesn't work either.
I use this system daily and want it to be as up to date as possible (for zorinOS).
I added an image of my terminal.
Typically when this happens, the system has noticed a dependency somewhere requires possibly the older version package for something else. Typically this will work itself out over time, and you don't need to do anything. Trying to force it in a situation like this tends to break things more often than not, so it's best to let it run its course. Sometimes a package just needs to update what it requires and it'll go.
Unless you absolutely need to upgrade for some reason that's making your system unstable/unusable, I would just wait. If you just used the Gui updaters, they usually wouldn't show this information because it most likely just works itself out over time.
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Thanks for your reply! I'll be waiting and not forcing the updates if it can break stuff. I really like ZorinOS because it just works.
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You could take a Look to what Sources are set up. To do that go to Software & Updates and look if it is set to ''Main Server'':
With that You get the Updates a bit earlier because they don't have to land on a local Server first.
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