5120x1440 Resolution Support

Hey all! Having an issue getting Zorin to pick up 5120x1440 as a supported resolution. I've got the display hooked up via HDMI to an AMD Radeon RX550, but have also tried the DP port to no avail. The HDMI cable is functioning properly as I am able to select the 5120 resolution on my laptop running Manjaro. I suspect it's simply not a supported resolution on the card, but wanted to check as I'm still fairly new to Zorin. Any help is appreciated!

Welcome to the forum!

So is the 5120x1440 resolution monitor you're trying to connect to your desktop the only monitor, or is it a case of multiple monitors being used? An RX550 is an older card, and a weaker card at that, and even though I'm seeing reports that it should be able to handle that resolution, I'm also seeing plenty of reports online that also seem to indicate that it may not handle them properly.

Is your laptop newer, and what are the specs on it?

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