58 list file /etc/apt/sources.list (component) eror.How can i solve this problem?

dude balenaetcher is not have 32 bit version

I use Unetbootin, instead. Balena Etcher is also known for damaging USB sticks.



How Balena Etcher killing usb sticks?


Dude I use the Unetbootin but don't have Zorin os of Unetbootin in

Distribution area

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Ignore the top. You have selected Disk Image at the bottom.
Click "Tamum"? "OK"

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I installed every os with balena etcher and it never damaged my stick. might be a rumour, who knows?


Sadly... it isn't. Balena destroyed two of my USB sticks (It's never just one, because at first you don't believe Balena did it.) The second one was brand new.
I then looked up whether Balena breaks USB on the web and was inundated with others experiences.
A large number of current Forum members have relayed the same. As well as members that join trying to figure out what happened to their USB stick.


Then I am the lucky one lol. I used balenaEtcher on a single pendrive to make ISO sticks of more than 5 OS continously on a single pendrive. Shocking :exploding_head:

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