Hello everyone,
I have a problem, when I start playing something, it doesn't matter if it's music or video, after a few minutes (6 minutes on average), the playback stops and I only hear a buzzing or screeching sound. I read somewhere to try PulseAudio sound server, but the problem still not dissapeared yet. What might be the solution. If anyone has experienced something similar, please help me
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Just wanting to get some extra information to start off. What are you playing these sounds through? Internal laptop speakers? Speakers plugged in externally? Bluetooth speakers/headphones? In addition, is this one application specifically that causes the screeching, or is it playing audio sources from anywhere?
Through internal speakers yes, external speakers or headphones are not tried yet (but now I tried and the problem always occurs). Doesn't matter if i play online video in browser or music in Rythmbox or video player application, the problem exists
Can you provide a recording of your screen while this beeping sound happens? Does this happens in a specific software or in every media playback?
So to me this sounds like an audio possibly going to "sleep" issue that could be doing this. If possible, it wouldn't hurt if you could somehow get an audio clip of the issue, but if it's the audio stream issue you could look at a couple of the solutions here:
sound - How to stop speaker random popping noise on Ubuntu 22.04 - Ask Ubuntu
soundcard - Annoying click/popping sound on Ubuntu 20.04 - Ask Ubuntu
This happens in every media playback
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I uploaded a short audio clip of the issue to my Google Drive, and i try paste here a shared link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hWg_cQQIbQD7KyjhvIgovP72_dblMwry/view?usp=sharing