Every time I turn on the computer, a Tor connection opens in the background. When I want to connect to tor through the terminal, I get a warning that tor is already open. When I enter the command "sudo netstat -plnt | fgrep 9050" I can see that there is a tor connection, am I under attack?
cant help you with tor being open seemingly all the time , don't know what youv'e done
what i can say is i doubt your under attack lol , tor is a browser ,not a hacking tool.
you can check if the tor service is enabled to start at boot.
sudo systemctl status tor
if it is you can disable like
sudo systemctl disable tor
sudo systemctl stop tor
also check if tor is set to start up automaticaly in start up applications
if it is .remove from list.
TOR is a network software that is used by the TOR Browser, but not exclusively by the TOR browser.
There are many user actions that a user might setup that connect through a TOR network - almost every option I can think of would be a user configuration, not a cyber-attack.
But if you are doubtful, you can run a rootkit and virus sweep.
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