About Software Center

Hai, I'm new user of Zorin OS and before this have familiar with Linux Lite, due Zorin OS look like Windows 7 that's why I change to Zorin OS. I have get new update today for Zorin but after updating I see Software Center Repo have change, if I want to get latest update of software must be re-install. I see after update, repo change to Snap Repo like in Ubuntu 20.04. The questions is, it is normal to change repo to Snap after get update?

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Hello and welcome to the forum.

Thanks for pointing it out.
I noticed the big update came for Zorin (and MXLinux for my husband) this morning.
I looked at the Software centre and saw 5 updates.

This I have no answer since I (luckily) do not have SNAP on my system. I hope other volunteers on this forum can answer this question.

I click on "update" in this windows but the update process seems stuck. As I said in other post on this forum, I will not look into this further since I have to reinstall everything when the final version of Zorin 16 is out.

[edit of edit]
I could not resist my curiosity :wink:
I solved this issue by following the instruction on this page:

you can bring up the gnome-system-monitor and kill the gnome-software process and then restart the update procedure again.

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@faridrid Which version and flavour of ZorinOs do you have e.g. Z15.3 Core, Lite etc or Maybe Z16 Core Beta?

As FP mentions, there was a OS Update today, but unlike @FrenchPress no other software updates were listed for me.

I am not sure where you are seeing this:

I cannot myself find anything like that. Can you post a screenshot here.

Edit: Something comes to mind that happened some months back (January) when Software Store appearance differed from normal and "Amazon EKS" advert was prominent. I wonder if this is the sort of thing you are seeing? Again a screenshot would help.

Something tell me that you do not have any Flatpak installed.

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I using Zorin OS 15.3 Core.

Same here. But I do not understand what you are seeing.

Before update I see the discription that source for bionic universe. After update I see that discription software source change to Snap Store and that software not installed even have installed before. So I re-install to get latest update.

I fired up my Acer laptop with Zorin 15,3.
After this big update, I failed to see any changes in software sources. The only thing I can think of is something to do with SNAP apps. Could you tell up if you have any apps installed as SNAP by issuing this command in terminal?

snap list