Additional Desktops that come with Zorin Pro?

I'm sold. AMAZING!

I have been with Zorin just a short time and I am blown away.

Stability, security, aesthetics, speed, and ease of use all rolled up into one amazing OS that blows away (in my opinion) all other Ubuntu derivatives.

I installed Core and I am ready to go Pro. Is it possible to make the $39 purchase, get the additional desktops, without having to reinstall? I certainly don't mind contributing but would love the additional 4 desktop layouts without having to reinstall. Can this be done or is reinstall the only way?


At this time, you would need to reinstall Zorin OS Pro.
The ZorinGroup is working on a Direct Upgrade option but that is not yet available. Currently a release date for it is not set.

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Aravisian is correct. At this current time, re-installation is the only option, until a direct upgrade function can be included in Zorin OS. FYI, its very easy to install Zorin OS. I have a post about installing the PRO version on an old dual core notebook, which I am on right now typing this message. :slightly_smiling_face:

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