Additional Drivers Not Showing Any Available Graphics Drivers

I would definitely downgrade the kernel. The older kernels contain all the drivers needed for older hardware. You only usually need the latest if you have the newest hardware.
You can install the earlier kernel with

sudo apt install linux-image-5.15.0-101-generic linux-headers-5.15.0-101-generic linux-modules-5.15.0-101-generic linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-101-generic

You must reboot into the older kernel to test - And some users report that the system has been (cough) defaulting to a value of 0 for the grub timeout (Why? It's a mystery...)

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Change the timeout value to 5.
Some set it to a quicker 3 seconds, I have mine set to 10 seconds... I recommend no quicker than three seconds, though or you may have to reboot a few times just to catch the wascawy wabbit.
Tap ctl+o to overwrite, then the enter key to save current configuration. Tap ctl+x to exit. Now run sudo update-grub
Reboot, then tap tab or esc beginning at the motherboard splash screen to pull up the grub menu (You can also change the grub style from "hidden" to "menu" to avoid having to bap these keys in the grub file above).
From Grub Menu - select Advanced Options for Zorin, then select Zorin on 5.15.0-101 to boot from.

If everything is working on that kernel, you can use this guide to lock it in as default boot.