Adjusting time and date on the lock screen

I don't want any gnome extensions
I want to make modifications within the theme
Modify text color, text size, and text font
Use ZorinRed-Dark theme in gnome-shell
Is this the theme linked to the lock screen
Or is it the ZorinBlue-light theme
What is the way to change the lock screen theme.

Brave A.I. used as couldn't find specific search answer for Gnome shell used by Zorin:

Change Lock Screen Fonts and Colors

Changing Lock Theme Fonts and Font Color in Ubuntu with GNOME Shell

To customize the lock screen fonts and font color in Ubuntu with GNOME Shell, follow these steps:

  1. Install GNOME Tweaks:
  • Open the Ubuntu Software app or use the terminal command sudo apt install gnome-tweaks.
  • Once installed, you can find GNOME Tweaks in the Applications menu or by searching for it.
  1. Launch GNOME Tweaks:
  • Open GNOME Tweaks and navigate to the Appearance section in the left-hand sidebar.
  1. Customize Lock Screen Fonts:
  • In the Fonts sub-section, you can adjust the font family, size, and style for the lock screen.
  • Make your desired changes and click Save.
  1. Customize Lock Screen Font Color:
  • In the Colors sub-section, you can adjust the text color for the lock screen.
  • Select the desired color from the palette or enter a custom hex code.
  • Click Save to apply the changes.
  1. Apply Changes:
  • Restart your system or log out and log back in to apply the changes.

Additional Tips:

  • To change the lock screen background image, install the Lock Screen Background GNOME Shell extension using GNOME Extensions Manager or by downloading and extracting the TAR archive to the .themes folder in your Home directory.
  • For a more comprehensive theme overhaul, consider installing a GTK theme, such as Nordic, which is available for download. Apply the theme using GNOME Tweaks or by extracting the TAR archive to the .themes folder.

By following these steps, you should be able to customize the lock screen fonts and font color to your liking in Ubuntu with GNOME Shell.

I don't know how that exactly is meant because I don't see any of these Options. Maybe it is for a newer gnome-tweaks Version.

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How to extract theme.gresource

There is really nothing

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