Anaconda for Python

Hello, I installed Zorin os pro lite. Can I install Anaconda 3 for Python??
Is it possible in Zorin OS pro?

You are better off installing python 3, there are many tutorials, and vscode. Code is more popular, used professionally and has more abilities than anaconda (supports more languages through extensions and has more extensions written for the ide regarding git integration, documentation, linting, formatting and more). Anaconda would be specifically for python and would possibly limit your growth.

Many Thanks.
Tried sudo apt install spyder. It worked. but again stuck up after Microsoft EULA. ''ok" is not clickable! any idea?
Any solutions? Thanks again

Got it! Tab+Enter!

To Install Official Anaconda:-

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install curl

cd /tmp

curl –O

sha256sum Anaconda3–2020.02–Linux–



source ~/.bashrc

conda info

conda update conda

conda update anaconda

conda create ––name test_environment python=3

conda activate test_environment

Thanks, but my terminal asks password after first line! Do not copy rest of the code.

To Install a Application, You need to Enter your Passcode. LOL😂


Installing softest is changing the system configuration. You will need to provide the password for this in order to make that change. If you don't the software won't be installed.

Anaconda was originally created for windows to assist in the installation process of python (it can be a lengthy and difficult process for beginner programmers). If you follow the tutorials online regarding installing a development version if python 3, so you don't use the system version and possibly corrupt the OS, then follow my directions for installing vscode, you will find that it is a rather simple process without ever bothering with anaconda. That is of course your choice, but anaconda isn't necessary to code in python. I know because I've never used it. I just started last year in python.

Thanks , all

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