I know this is not exactly about zorin, but android is based on linux and I have seen some people talk or show other distros here, so I believe this fits here (if it doesn't, let me know and I'll delete it)
Anyways, so recently I formatted my previous phone but with one single goal: to see how it is to use an android phone without logging in with a google account and without using any app made by google. I thought it'd be a hard and almost impossible challenge, but I'm surprised of how wrong I was... well, not fully wrong, but almost
To make it clear, this was more of an experiment than of an actual attempt, so there may be the chance that I got some information wrong because of lack of research (I did research a bit, but not in full depth)
To start with, the phone needed an alternative place to download apps from. Downloading .apk files and manually installing them is an option, but updating apps installed like that is... not ideal. But that's where F-droid comes in. It seems to be open-source and a bit more competent when it comes to analyizing the apps in search of malware before hosting them, so I saw that as a pretty solid alternative to the google play store
My next concern was the web browser. Most of them are only officially hosted on the google play store, so I feared I would have no good variety of browsers to choose from. But I was actually wrong: Opera gives the apk installer from their official website, duckduckgo is on f-droid and firefox, as the open source browser it is, someone re-built it and renamed it so it could be on f-droid too, so I ended up realizing that getting a good web browser wasn't gonna be a problem either
On top of that, I've even found some apps that would never be allowed on the google play store: like libretube (a youtube client that requires no account to subscribe to channels and has built-in adblocker), or micth (itch.io client)
There were some games too, not as many as there are on the google play store, but enough if you are fine with simple games
Even if this all may sound really good, in the beginning of the post I've said that I was not fully wrong when I said it's not completely usable without resorting to google's services. Why? Well, F-droid may have a lot of useful apps, but if you need a very specific app from a company, it's most likely not gonna be there. And unlike linux with wine for windows-only programs, the only way to get apps from the google play store is using the google play store itself or a 3rd party app that downloads from google's repositories (not recommended because doing that has gotten many people's gmail account completely banned and erased from existance, as it's against their terms of services)
So yeah, for a tablet or a secondary phone, it's very possible to go along without google. For your main phone? Well, if you don't like google I'm sorry to tell you but it's just not viable: apps that are specific to services (like netflix, banking and stuff like that) is not gonna be available for you if you never go to the google play store