I have installed Zorin but in the configuration menu my Nvidia gt 220 graphics card is not recognized. I have the impression that the drivers have not been installed and if I go to the update manager in the additional data no driver is available
I would stick with the nouveau drivers provided by Linux. That card is legacy and gaming with that card is a no go anyway (unless you use very old games).
to enter terminal, type the following.
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-186.34
After it i installed, reboot your computer, and hopefully you will be running the Nvidia driver.
Doubt the system would start, because the kernel is 6.xx and not 4.xx
OK I simply looked up what driver version supported the GPU, I wasn't thinking about kernel. Its the card is so legacy, that all support has been deprecated for it, then there is not much that we can do, and the OP will be forced to use the CPU only.
Personally, a 2000's computer is far too old for modern production work or gaming, I would strongly recommend buying a new computer. Because when support gets deprecated, because the machine is that old, its pretty much the only real choice.
I only use the computer to go on the internet for basic office work and very old software and it still works perfectly well after 15 years. I was wondering if it was possible to get the latest drivers even if they are very old
Does the software require the use of the drivers, or is everything working currently? I concur with Michel that unless you're in desperate need of them, the nouveau drivers should work for you from the sounds of things.
I don't know if I really need it, ihave always updated the drivers on windows by instinct. On Zorin I've only seen a few rare software artifacts but nothing serious it's maybe a software bug and not a driver problem
Is it risky to do this ?
Don't forget Kelebek's repository for legacy drivers:
If you truly need drivers, try Aravisian's solution. (first I am hearing of it too)
If you don't really need them, just use nouveau. I don't know what else you could do.
I'm not very good at computers so I don't want to make a mistake I will leave it like that for now; thanks for your help
I commend you for maintaining old kit and preventing e-waste. The fact that you have managed to get Core working which uses a lot of resources, is commendable. Well done!
Welcome to the Forum!
Could You type in the Terminal nvidia-smi
and look if You get an Output and post that here?