Any good commands to fix this?
Use the Mouse !
Move the cat or use another keyboard xD
That cat does not seem pleased with your actions.
My cat have become my boss.
Not the coolest place in a heatwave. But I assume photo is not so recent.
It's a year old, when my cat was a kitten.
I've seen cats relaxing next to a blazing furnace, too. I mean the kind of furnace found in a smelting factory. They have a seriously high tolerance for heat.
"Crossword puzzle? Relax, I got this covered."
When I'm away from the computer chair.
Though I need a new one, the cat love to put its claws in my (fake) leather chair.
It is NOT your chair. Get used to it!
When you think you have seen it all. My cat jumps off and grab its claw to the pipe and can't get down.
At this point, I recommend reinstalling the whole system. It's easier than to troubleshoot the problem. Also this time, install timeshift
Storm, have you tried turning it off and on again?
Dear oh dear, we are in trouble now arn't we?