App Menus on two Zorin Appearance Layouts freeze and lockup system

App Menus on two Zorin Appearance Layouts freeze and lockup system after performing a right-click on any App listed. This started happening after upgrading from 16.3 Pro to 17.1 Pro when my system was switched over to the "Wayland Windowing System". The two layouts impacted are attached.

Is it just Right Click on menu items that cause lock-up?
Do normal Left Click actions perform correctly?

Which layout did you use in Z16.3 Pro, before using the Upgrader?
Did you get any errors using the Upgrader?

Note: I corrected a typo from "Experience" to "Apperance" in your original title.

Yes, Right Click. Defect occurs with "Zorin Deskop" (Wayland Windowing System). Solution is to switch back to "Zorin Desktop on Xorg (X11 Windowing System).

See "Settings | About | Windowing System" to see what "Windowing System" your using.

To change "Windowing Systems" on 17.1 Pro, click on the Cog wheel on the lower right of the "Login" display.

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