Application Switching Issue

Application switching using alt-tab does not switch between all workspaces. It only works for current workspace. Under multitasking in settings the option is active "Include applications from all workspaces" under "Application Switching". Neither "Include applications from monitors" or "each monitor only" seems to be working either. Anyone else have these issues?

The setting name is slightly misleading. Once you have "Include applications from all workspaces" selected, the behavior of the keyboard shortcut is:

  • Alt+Tab changes between applications in the current workspace.
  • Super+Tab changes between all applications.

You can also use Alt+Esc to cycle through the windows within the same workspace, which can be useful when there are multiple windows for the same program, which would otherwise make it difficult to focus using the keyboard.

I used to do the "ALT" "Tab" thing, but I got sick of having to cycle through so many until it reached the one I wanted. I discovered that its easier to just hit the "SUPER" key, and then use the mouse to click on the one I wanted, its faster for me.

Thanks guys for the input.