Asus expertbook - keyboard

I would like to ask for your help. I have recently bought a new Asus Expertbook. I wanted to install Zorin OS Pro 17.2. on it. However, I am having problems with the keyboard. When i installed Zorin OS the keyboard on my computer did not work, but if i connect a wired keyboard it works normally (The keyboard worked normally in bios). What can i do ?
Thank you for your help and answers.

Hi, welcome to the forums!

What is the exact model? If it's too new, it's very likely that there are no drivers available for Linux.

According to this page, B9450 and B9450CEA should work fine for the most part.

Hello it is asus expertbook B1 B1502CV

It looks like it may just be the lack of available drivers. I tried searching online for something that could maybe be installed separately, but no dice. There were plenty of other people reporting similar issues with other components as well.

One thing you can try is to upgrade the kernel version. With any luck, this newer version may have support for this device. But this is a bit of a long shot, as there are no guarantees that it includes the drivers that you need, and it can cause other issues.

If you are willing to give this a try, you can read installation instructions to install kernel 6.11 on Ubuntu 24.04 here. Note that Zorin OS 17 is actually based on a lower version than that, Ubuntu 22.04, which is why I would only do this on a non-production machine and be ready to backup your data first.

Alternatively, you can try with another distribution of Linux that already supports a higher version of the Linux kernel. I would recommend Endeavour OS, Fedora or Solus.

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