Asus Pro Notebook B9440 (5yo) - function keys and fingerprint reader

Hi, I have two minor questions to support my Asus Pro Notebook with Zorin.

First, as most notebooks, I have a top row of function keys, which act as F1 to F12 and as system keys (volume, screen brightness, keyboard brightness, etc) when pressed together with an Fn key.

Q: is there any possibility to revert that behavior, so that the system function is triggered without pressing the Fn key before? There is no way in BIOS to alter that. I can use keyboard mapping within the setting app for volume but loose the F-key functionality then, so not a practicable way.

The system has a fingerprinting sensor and I configured it and trained 2 of my fingers. While login that form of authentication is offered, but the reading very often fails to recognize (80% of the time I guess) and the procedure is V E R Y slow (password type in is much faster). That was not the case when using the device with win11. Any ideas on that?

Kindest regards

Not that I know of. That is a Hardware driven function and it uses the FN qualifier for a reason - in order to change the command given by the keyboard.
If you remove the qualifier, you run into that same problem that you mention of losing functionality.

Are you also using NAS or SAMBA to share WIndows drive?

@Aravisian thanks for your thoughts and experience:

  1. I feared that, it was also not possible on win platform. Newer modells have a Fn lock function (together with the esc key) so you can switch between F keys and system keys. With the broad possibilities of zorinOS I hopped there could be an software emulation of that...

  2. no, as a absolute new user, I do nothing of the asked above

Hardware runs on an operating system. Nvidia Card or AMD Card comes with a Programmed OS that communicates with Your Chosen OS through drivers.
Hardware comes programmed with its OS from its manufacturer.
The manufacturer supplies the drivers needed for that OS to communicate with Windows or Zorin or Fedora... The majority of these drivers are included in the Linux Kernel.
A developer on the outside cannot write software (at least not easily) that tells hardware what to do. It's own Operating System tells it what to do.

Sometimes, systemD can get tangled in the initialization of a NAS server, causing the fingerprint login time to increase. That is why I asked. Well, it's not that...

You might try

sudo apt remove fprintd

Then run

sudo apt install -y fprintd libpam-fprintd

Reboot again and test.

tried that, but it changed thinks to the bad. "Failed to enroll new fingerprint" when I try to read a new finger

Reinstalling may require you to reconfigure and set up again...

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