ASUS Zenbook - Space Edition - Fingerprint reader not working

Hi all,

I absolutely love Zorin OS but unfortunately my fingerprint reader is not working.
The ELAN fingerprint reader is identified as a keyboard and when I try to scan my fingerprint it says 'Fingerprint device disconnected'.

lsusb output:

Bus 003 Device 004: ID 04f3:0c6e Elan Microelectronics Corp. ELAN:Fingerprint

Thanks for any pointers to resolve this.

lifprint — Supported Devices - I see that device listed in the list :thinking:

Do you have libfprint installed?

Can you please try

sudo apt remove --purge fprintd

sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoremove

Reinstall packages

sudo apt install libpam-fprintd

Restart the service

sudo systemctl restart fprintd.service

Run the enrollment:


The only Zenbook that the fingerprint device works on is this one:

Look at all the fails here:

Even Zorin 17 will not be able to help which will be based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Remember Asus Notebooks hardware were designed to run that other OS, not GNU/Linux.

Thanks for this one.

It is quite a surprise to see that Linux falls behind in terms of fingerprint readers (just opened another thread for a Kensington USB fingerprint reader).

What you need to remember is hardware is designed to run for that other OS and manufacturers can't be bothered to provide Linux drivers. Also you need to be aware that drivers have to be reverse engineered by Linux coders. Linux users could not access computer DVD drives until a 16 year-old boy reverse engineered the code and placed under house arrest for breaching copyright of hardware.


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