At last I have found out (Saving ALSA and Qasmixer settings) to save the settings from Alsa and Qasmixer. After hours of searching I had to install alsa-utils then the alsactl command became available so I could store my settings. Was getting annoying with everything back to defaults on boot.


I added to the title a bit, just so future users having your problems can find what you learned more easily. Thanks for sharing; it's pretty strange to me that ALSA settings don't persist!


I included the command to save alsamixer settings in several of my posts on threads concerning sound issues. i.e.

sudo alsactl store


Thats an issue I've always have had on Linux, upon reboot, my system defaults to speaker output, when I need it to default to HDMI ouput. I ran that command.

sudo alsactl store

It seemed to take without confirmation, and I do have Alsa-Utils installed. I guess the only way to know for sure if it did anything, is the next time that I reboot the computer lol.

And if it doesn't take in the end, I will just keep doing what I always do, after getting back into the OS, first thing I do, is go to my sound input/output choose extension, and choose HDMI output.

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I have HDMI blacklisted as I only want sound from my AudigyRX. I did not know about the 'store' command. For me Audacious has saved the day in both Q4OS and PCLinuxOS: