Auto-Scroll App

Is there something to install to get the middle click autoscroll functionality system wide?

I think this feature is on KDE, not sure.


I also miss this feature. I used to use it a lot... I suppose I have gotten used to doing without it.

I use a chrome extension for it on vivaldi, but it's not on my other apps. Since KDE can do it if I remember correctly, maybe there is some way to install the feature onto the system, I thought?

It is hard to say...
KDE is written with Qt, which is its own thing. Many Windows apps are also written in Qt.
While many applications, Qt or otherwise, are cross platform across Linux, not all system configurations can be.

Zorin OS 16 uses libinput

So, on my machine, using


Located my device (which is PixArt Cyberpower OpticalMouse) to enable middle wheel autoscroll should look like:

xinput set-prop "PixArt Cyberpower OpticalMouse" "libinput Middle Emulation Enabled" 1

But it does not do anything.

Now that this is in my head though, I may keep looking into it...

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