Automount HDD does not work correctly


One of my HDD on a desktop PC does not automount correctly - meaning I have to open explorer, go to other locations, select and open it from there.

Once its open, if I save a random folder on that HDD as a location in the explorer and then restart the PC, after restart when I try to access the saved location, it says "Unknown error when mounting/dev/sdb1".
I have to agan open explorer, go to other locations, select and open it from there - then it works, but not before.

I have to do it with any files that I store on that HDD, otherwise I cannot access them.

I have looked into disks, whether automount is enabled on this HDD, and it is:

Does anybody know what is wrong with this?

Try untoggling user session defaults. It's my recollection that the entire rest of that window gets overridden by defaults, and turning it off makes the rest of the window take effect. Unfortunately, my Zorin PC had a hardware failure, so I can't actually check right now.


I find it strange that the selected mount point is /mnt when the default is usually at /media.

Mount the drive again, access it once to make sure that works, and then run this in the terminal (you launch a terminal from the applications menu):


This should return something like this that lists all your drives and where exactly are they mounted in your system.
After that, let's take a look at the contents of the file that describes the file explorer bookmarks:

cat ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks

In this example, my external drive is mounted a /media/zenzen/TOSHIBA EXT. I also created a bookmark for one of the folders inside it, and it points to the right location.


Thank you, this was trivial to try as first, and it worked!
Now the HDD will get loaded during startup, good to know :slight_smile:

Thank you, @zenzen but since @Locklear93 solution works, I will not investigate further.