Backup Drive Not Working

While working on a problem that was solved when I screwed up my 17 Pro desktop I thought before I tried the suggestions offered I better do a back up using Rescuezilla .....

Starting the apt and after it started running I plugged my USB 1 TB HD in and went to the second screen to start the backup ..... Rescuezilla said it could not read my drive .....

I exited the program and went into 17 Pro and plugged in the drive and got this on the screen .......

Fired up Gparted and this is what I found ......

And this .....

Looks to me like the drive is empty for some reason ...... should I try to reformat the drive and maybe search the sectors .....

If so I will probably do that on Win 10 as I have partitioning software over there that works really slick and fast ...... no it isn't Win but third party software ..... can't think of the name but I'll find it when I get there .....

Any suggestions or thoughts ????? ..... thanks

By the way I did do a backup using another drive I had after relocating some files to yet another drive .... I have like 6 of them little suckers .... LOL

I think it is all you can do. I would suggest also scanning the drive for faults.

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The 2. Screeshot shows that the Drive has a ntfs File System. Maybe that is the Reason why it don't work. If there is no Data on it that You need I would suggest to format it to ext4 and then try it again.

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Yes I have always had my TB drives formatted in NTFS without any problems especially when using Rescuezilla .... I think I tied ext4 once and like you said it wouldn't work .... that is another reason I use Win 10 to do most of my partitioning as I have two 3rd party programs that can read with and create ext4 partitions ....

I have been using the drive in question for over a year with no problems as my backup source ..... I would split my drive into to 2 separate partitions but each backup is approx 400 GB now and I usually only can only keep 2 backups per drive ..... the old one and the one I'm currently installing .....

The drive on Zorin is 1 TB and if it gets much bigger I will have to invest in a 2 TB or larger back-up drive ..... only problem is the larger the USB drive the longer it takes to backup and less often I am inclined to do it .....

I know there are other programs like Timeshift and Deja vu but I tried both and had bad experiences with both so I stayed with Rescuezilla as it takes a complete image or copy of your total HD partitions and all ..... right now it takes me about 1 1/2 hours to complete a backup ......

I will be doing a backup again either today or tomorrow seeing as the problems I was having with Zorin 17 Pro seem to be solved by folks on the board and before I do something else stupid .....

Just thought I would mention that I've found that Zorin will read and write to different formats ext4 ..... NTFS and even FAT32 .... as all my thumb drives are FAT32 ....

If this don't beat all .... went to Win 10 to use one of my partition 3rd party software and it recognized it right away showed it was OK .... the disk showed up in This PC clicked on the drive letter and got this info ......

This is from my partition apt

This from This PC

Next I went back to Z17 pro and when I plugged in my USB drive this popped up .....

I swear if I live to be 1000 I will never understand computers ...... apparently the drive is working now ..... maybe the thought of it having to be on Win 10 again scared it into deciding to work .....

Either that or there really are Martians and I have the proof ..... their living in my laptop ..... :sunglasses: :rofl:

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