Backup GPT corrupted

The Backup GPT table is corrupted. How do I fix this?

I did this and rebooted the device but the issue is still persisting

Are you still able to access your data on that drive? If yes, make sure to copy it elsewhere e.g., another drive, to the computer or cloud storage.

Yes. Created 2 backups.

If your data is safe, then I'd suggest formatting the drive entirely. This is the fastest and safest way to simply repurpose the drive, although at the cost of losing its contents. If there are any damaged sectors, tools like Gparted or the built-in disk might be able to simply skip over them.

Are there any other alternatives without formatting the drive.

Will there be any harm if I keeps things as it is now?
And how do I format it properly so that the issue doesn't reappear? Any suggestion on Formatting.

Unfortunately, I can't answer any of those questions, but I wouldn't want to risk my data by using this drive. Formatting is the best way to make sure it's properly set up.

You can run a SMART test to detect any defects and/or damaged sectors on the drive:

To format the drive, just follow the prompts. Here's a short walk through that you can follow:

You could try it with Boot Repair. When You still have the USB Stick with Zorin on it, start it, choose the ''Try zorin'' Mode and search for it and let it run.

The backup GPT is stored at the end of the disk. The primary is stored at the beginning of the disk space.
If the backup has gotten corrupted, this implies that the end of the disk has bad sectors.
Have you run a S.M.A.R.T. test on the drive?

Gparted should have an option to try repair (Which does not repair any physical damage on the drive. Instead, it tries to quarantine off bad sectors and rebuild the backup GPT in a new location)
Device > Attempt Data Rescue

If that option is not available in Gparted or it fails... You can use Gdisk to try to repair:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install gdisk

Replace the Xwith your actual drive... In your screnshot you show sda:

sudo gdisk /dev/sdX

r for recovery
b to rebuild the backup GPT from the primary
and hit w to write changes and exit

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b or d?

I tried

It works but once I restart the PC it again show GPT is damaged.

Before this I even formatted the entire disk reinstalled the OS. I'm done with repairing. If the disk is working, no need to repair.

Use b, which rebuilds the main table from the backup. Option d does the opposite: rebuilds the backup table from the main one.

Your screenshot shows that you did write something to disk. If you didn't make any changes, it's better to use q instead (exits without making any).

If that didn't work it could be that there are some damaged sectors on the drive. You can continue use it... but with care, make sure to keep all your sensitive data properly backed up to an external storage at all times.

You said b But I need to rebuild the backup table since it's the one corrupted. I should proceed with d I guess then as it says
"d use main GPT header (rebuilding backup)"
Am I right?

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My bad is that My PC was set to RAID instead AHCI, don't know when did this happen but after setting it to AHCI and trying with solution provided by

It's fixed now.. I went with d instead of b as I needed to rebuild backup GPT and
d use main GPT header (rebuilding backup)

What I've understood is that even if you try gdisk to rebuild GPT, if your PC isn't set to AHCI mode it won't save anything and with every restart it'll disappear. (This was my mistake)

Thanks a lot guys for helping me out.