Best sequence for Primary and VBox to Restart Computer


What is the best Best sequence to restart after update, upgrades to both for Primary and VBox ?

Restart VBox first then when complete restart Primary or ?

Thank you

If using Software Updater you only need to reboot if after the update it states reboot required which is usually after kernel updates. As to which you should update first is irrelevant as the VM can be considered as a separate machine. I stopped using VirtualBox in 2020. I much prefer virt-manager as it is a lot more versatile than Virtual Box and has better USB 3.0 support and if you haven't included host usb devices when creating VM it has a useful USB redirect function should you want to save a screenshot.


Can you clarify what do you mean, maybe provide some context or an example?

You can safely install any updates to VirtualBox while it's running; they just won't be applied until you restart the program. But this also depends on the program itself, as some updates modify certain files that need to be reloaded. This is normal with Firefox, for instance.

If you mean updates to the host computer that require a restart, then your question is, well, irrelevant. You have to shutdown all the guests in order to restart the host.

Have been away..

Many thanks for the guidance. Undestand.


Can I try vrt-manager whilst keeping VB ?

Yes you can use virt-manager alongside Virtual Box. Virtual Box creates a folder in your /home directory. The issue with virt-manager is that it automatically wants to save VM's in a virt-manager folder in /var. This can soon fill up so I create a separate folder in /home for the virt-manager pool. I named it Virtual Machines. To see this in action just take a look at this video I created: