Bios boot corrupt error code 62

Hi, i try install this os two times and after finish restarting system hang up with error code 62 display MainBoard and blank screen, my system is ThinkStation s30 MT0606, after that must reflashing bios to boot. I install in UEFI mode, where i'm wrong?

It's not the OS fault.

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Welcome to the Forum!

A couple Questions:

  • Are Secure Boot and Fast Boot in BIOS turned off?
  • Did You want to create a Dual-Boot System? If yes: Is Fast start-Up in Windows turned off?
  • What Tool did You use to create the bootable Stick with Zorin on it?

Hi and thx. Secure boot not supported bios, fast boot is turn off, this issue is only zorin os. I install windows 11 24h2 and hackintosh sequoia for testing of course with bootloader clover 5156(is linux bootloader i think) and opencore 1.0.0 efi and uefi and working verry good with no issue, but linux only Zorrin, i try to install another distribtion when i have time. I fix with autoflashing usb stick again bios. Sorry for my english.
LE: Ruffus is tool for create usb, but stick booting very well, issue is after installing 2nd boot. Install stage not corrupt bios, i try to install in efi mode not uefi.

Hi, not issue in windows or hackintosh sequoia 15.2, issue is after install stage of zorrin, usb stick boot no issue, not corrupting bios.

Have you yet tried clearing your CMOS battery?

Aside from that, if Windows and Hackintosh are booting normally, it sounds like a Microcode issue with your BIOS firmware.

I would try updating your BIOS firmware, first.

Next, if you can boot Zorin OS, install the intel-microcode package:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install intel-microcode

If you cannot boot normally, you can try running the installation above from the Recovery grub menu option using the recovery menu to enable networking, then Drop to Root Prompt.

As a last resort, you can test using the LiveUSB Zorin install Media, Try Zorin, then running the installation from terminal in the Live Zorin trial to see if it will go through.

Hi, yes, clear cmos not fix, last bios update, the mainboard do not boot and black screen every time boot zorrin, code 62 is boot block zone in bios, zorrin erase this block in uefi install, i test liveusb is ok after reflash bios. Now drop this distribution, i try another, without debian distro.

If the mainboard does not boot you would not see a screen at all. A family member of me booted up his notebook, you saw nothing and the notebook turned off after a few seconds. The issue whas his ram slot, 1 died and the other ram whas soldered on the mainboard. Removing the ram from the slot fixed it.

So maybe check your ram 1 by 1, also check this

error code display mainboard two digit, do not read first post? ThinkStation s30 MT0606 mainboard name is socrates v1.0 has fisicaly two digit.

You can always use google to find your answers. I only tried to help… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

And within a few seconds of search

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Thank you, i use live stick for now.