Black screen when lifting the pc cover

Hi everyone,

I have finally installed Zorin (core 17.1) on an HP ultrabook, Intel HD 620 graphics card (i915 driver).
I've scoured the internet and the forum but can't find a viable solution.
It's a common problem where the screen goes black when you lift the cover.

The PC is switched on but nothing happens:
I have to use CTRL+ALT+ F1 to get the login page (Wayland).
Partially solved with X11 (it's like having a double log page, but it works). The new problem is that zoom no longer works on applications and WEB browsers under X11, even when modifying the Preferred Ozone platform.
Surprisingly, when I close the session (wayland), I don't get a black screen and I can connect without any problem.
I don't understand why :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!

two words ...
Zorin LITE

Welcome to the Forum!

Did you controled in the Settings in Energy and Privacy/Display how the Display is configured?

Thanks for your welcome!

I have disabled standby but left the lock on exit to be more safe.

Capture d’écran du 2024-08-03 18-22-47
Capture d’écran du 2024-08-03 18-23-06

About Zorin lite, I don't really know because my laptop is an HP 1040 G4 ( I5 7200U, 16go DDR4, SSD nvme).
I think it's largely suitable for the core version.

Just for clarity:
The reason 14nd likely said this is because blank screen on wake is a known long standing issue with Gnome, which is used on Core.
Lite uses XFCE and does not have this or other Gnome-specific issues (screenshot tool issues, GDM issues...) So it may be an option if a user has those specific troubles.

That being said, Lite (XFCE) is not only for older or low spec machines. Gnome or XFCE can run on older or low spec machines. It is just that Lite is often a better option for smoother performance if a user has a low spec machine.
I have high specs, but choose XFCE for its user features and workflow as well as its performance.

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Thanks for the clarification! I've just learnt something because I thought this version was intended for very old PCs because, if I've understood correctly, some features are disabled.

XFCE is a full-featured Desktop environment that actually has more features then Gnome.
Gnome and XFCE are different and operate in a different way. Gnome offers compatibility for Wayland, which the big executives want.
We are going off on a tangent, here...

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when i posted my "2 words" reply , i was in a bit of a hurry ,so didn't elaborate , sorry . i hoped OP would look into Lite .
what i meant was Lite doesn't use wayland , which by the look of the number of posts here having issues with wayland,Lite is another option .
and like Aravisian pointed out , Lite isn't just for lower spec PCs


Since I'm a beginner and want to tinker a bit, I'm going to try zorin lite soon. Thanks for your advices :slight_smile:

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