Bluetooth connected headphones but the built-in speakers are the ones that work

Bluetooth connected headphones but the built-in speakers are the ones that work, Except for the default alert sound.

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So, your Headphones are connecting and are detected in the System, yes? Are they automatically selected as Sound Output or have You to set it up manually?

Yes it is selected automatically.
I tried using alsamixer, the sound works from vlc player, but it doesn't work from chrome browser

Did you tried PulseAudio Volume Control? It is a Tool to set up Audio Input and Output. you can install it with the Terminal Command sudo apt install pavucontrol

Are VLC and Chrome Flatpaks or .deb Versions?

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Yes chrome is .deb Version,
I tried the tool now it fixed the problem,
you saved my life thank you very much :blue_heart:


I have marked Ponce-De-Leon's thread as Solution.

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