Boot loop with reset system error after installing zorin on HP 820 g2

It matches, although my first installation wasn't succesfull it shows me that there is fatal error it suggests me to ran boot repair which gives me commands although one command ithink wasn't succeful but i read this post some others talking this issue i also tried to boot from efi file in /efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi it takes to grub when i write boot it shows you have to load kernel first which is idon't have clue.

Is Windows booting EFI or Legacy? I know you said Legacy was enabled in BIOS... but that does not mean it should be or needs to be...

The Screenshot you shared above for your Gparted screen is very tiny and impossible to read.

Windows is booting in legacy

How many drives? Did you install on a separate drive?

9 some are free space

The image is very small. I believe the only way to view it at proper size is for the viewer to register and make an account with that website.

sda5 looks like the EFI boot partition - formatted to FAT32 with 488megs in size.

If Windows is booting in Legacy, then that EFI partition is likely created for Zorin OS.

If you burned the Zorin .iso with Rufus, I believe that Rufus only burns for EFI bootable images.

You might try booting the LiveUSB installer image on USB and in terminal running:

sudo grub-install /dev/sda6

In order to install as BIOS mode to your existing Zorin Install.

I firstly used blena etcher but formatted and i used rufus.

It shows this

Is your computer 32bit?

I dont know can i check it on the live usb

See this: How To Know If You Have 32 Bit or 64 Bit Computer in Linux and Windows

Scroll down to where this terminal command is proposed:


(Separate question: did you check the SHA256 checksum of your downloaded .iso before createing your ZorinOS live USB?)

Here it is

I didn't check it, does that cause compatibility issues.

Ok, you have a 64bit i5 @2.4gHz.

Just needed to be sure.

If you don't check the SHA256, you will not know if the .iso file been corrupted during downloading or otherwise.

I was just recently reading that, i will try but the disk is gpt not mbr.

Ok, i am reinstalling now here is the gparted, iwant to delete existing zorin partitions but 488mb partition unable to delete (please unmount any logical partions having higher than 5) and the swap partition greyed out not have options active.

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