Brave web browser

brave web browser in software how do you stop the updates it updates automatically without a password authentication ......

Brave is a snap package in the software store. If you want to postpone updates, open a terminal then enter this command:

snap refresh --hold brave

If you want to update brave again, use this:

snap refresh --unhold brave

More info:

I advise you to not use browser without updates for a long time, it is a security risk. If you have some problem with the snap version of brave, you can use the deb version from here:


I can only see it as a flatpak option. Is there an equivalent command to freeze the version for that as well? Just curious, I would normally recommend installing .debwhenever possible.


You can use the following command to postpone update for flatpak Brave:

flatpak mask com.brave.Browser

And use this to get updates again:

flatpak mask --remove com.brave.Browser


But flatpak does not update itself :confused:
@FREDDY-KRUEGER How did you install Brave?

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If you installed a snap version it updates automatically but with the flat one you should be able to update from its settings or Software Center page.


snap refresh --hold brave ... thanks

it is a security risk . probably but i just don't like programs updating without permission


from software apps provided by zorin .... but just found this link and installed it this way.... now brave works much better no lag

I believe I had installed Brave by way of Synaptic Package Manager ..... or at least that is how I just recently uninstalled it .... not sure if it had been snap or flatpak .... as I never use snap it must have been flatpak ....

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